Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hello Summer, GoodBye School

Unfortunately, I still have four more days of school not counting Memorial Day. But then, SCHOOL'S OUT BABY!!! I'm sooo excited!!! People always say how fast I'm growing up....but I love it. Before you know it, I'll be driving. I'm sooo excited for summer vacation. The hot weather to go swimming, all the vacations. You can tell I'm Arizonian, right??? I'm going to girls camp for 5 days, going on a family reuion, and going to Vancouver, WA for a week to vistit my grandma and grandpa. Me and my sis get to fly up there. I'm excited!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited??? And for whoever checks my blog...thank you. It tells me I don't do this for nothing. It's the only thing that keeps me sane when I don't want to show my excitement. As my sister always says I "Kill Joy." Don't ask, don't ask.