Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sicknesses, Rats, and a whole lot of boredom!

Well, my family is passing around the 24 hr flu to every member of our family. First Eli had it, then a couple days later Meagan, then my mom really bad (getting over it today), my dad got affected a little, but then me and the other two boys haven't gotten anything. So that's either a good thing or a bad thing. That could mean I have a strong immune system and won't get it, I will get it before I go to Vancouver, or the worst....I could get it there! So I'm praying that's not the case, but I don't know.

Also, last night two new members of our family got here. Two rats! I know you are probably saying ewww, gross, or any of the other words your brain can rack up. But the case is they're pretty cute. My mom's even almost used to them. One's Meagan's and her name is Carmen and she's mostly gray. And mine is Whiskers and she is white with a tan head. They are staying in a cage in Meagan's room and they are a ton of fun to play with. They aren't their full size yet, so they're still little. But I really didn't want one til Meagan wanted one really bad and my dad said I might as well get one so they can be friends and since they are $5 at Petco. And now I'm pretty glad I got one.

And that's what has been up around here. I'm sooo excited to go on vacation for a week with my mom and sister, because besides that it has been pretty boring around here. I'll post pics of the rats soon! (Eww,gross, I KNOW......):)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know eeeww! hope you dont get sick in vancouver! love ya!
